Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We just heard Obama clinched the nomination for the Democratic Party. Despite the craziness of the primary cycle this year and the increasingly stubborn attitude of Hillary Clinton... he has definitively won, and now we'll just watch and see what Hillary does next. (Andy's and my guess: trying to force herself onto the ticket as the VP.)

It's very exciting though, and quite thrilling to look at Obama and think, "This man could be my next president."

I would hope it would move our country forward, would help Americans feel like they took back some control in their government... that they had someone more in tune with their concerns and goals. I would hope it would help us move toward greater equality and less discrimination - to heal and constructively address some of our mistakes and divisions based on race and ethnicity.

And I really hope I am right in thinking it might mean having a president who is not ridiculously corrupted or embroiled in things that lead to poor decisions because of a need to self-serve, self-protect, or self-promote.

History has been made tonight and will hopefully be made again in November. I would love Ari to grow up during a Barack Obama presidency.


Robin Edgar said...

Keeping in line with the One Joy, One Sorrow theme. How would you feel about an Obama Presidency in which Hillary Clinton was Vice-President? ;-)

Robin Edgar said...

P.S. It's Barack Obama. But don't take my word for it. Take his. . . ;-)

Genevra said...

Oops!! Thanks for the correction on my bad spelling! As for the combined ticket, while I regret seeing our lone female candidate go and palpably feel the loss of that historical opportunity, I don't feel the party or the ticket would be best served by both running. But hey - we shall see what happens!