Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some (Not All) of the Places We've Been Thinking About Lately

Atlanta, GA
Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC
Denver, CO
Nashville, TN

Not necessarily these places... more like near them or just outside them... unless we can find an area within the city that is a) affordable, b) safe, c) close to work/school for all of us, and d) have what we need to create a sustainable home... otherwise, close enough to go into the city easily for museums, gardens, things to do, etc. but far enough out that we can have a garden and good schools.

And, of course, the bottom line will be work for both of us.

It seems a silly thing to blog about, but it's something we think about a lot lately. A lot. Which is silly and runs counter to our attempts to live in the here-and-now and enjoy where we are (and not worry so much about the future). But we've noticed we kind of struggle with that. A lot.

To live in a country with so many options is amazing... to know we could resettle in multiple places once we figured out the logistical details is remarkable. Sometimes I wonder if we fixate on this stuff because it brings us joy, in some fashion, to do so.

It's fun to think about the what if of moving to a new place. To consider a whole new climate or to think about the people we know in different places and what it would be like to be closer to them. It's fun to look at all the different types of homes out there and to imagine the place that would fit all three of our needs in the best way possible - at least for the next chunk of years.

I have no idea where we'll land, but it will be quite a new adventure.

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