Thursday, September 4, 2008

Everything Sticks

Ari and I were playing upstairs today with some stuffed animals who had been "resting" in her closet for quite some time which she recently rediscovered and insisted on making a permanent part of the chaos in her room.

She picked up a little pig who makes oinking noises and held him up by his toes. "Dead," she said. And it took me a minute to remember what she might be referring to. But after a few minutes and her insistent repetition of the word with the piggy dangling by his toes, I remembered the reference.

Andy made up a song very early on in her infancy that he would sing to her while dangling the piggy by one foot. At the time, she was much too young to understand it, but I remember questioning him as to whether or not such a song was a good idea.

It's amazing how much little minds retain - even when you think they couldn't possibly understand what you're saying. Luckily, it's now a funny story and is hopefully something that will neither scar her nor get her into trouble should she remember the words well enough to repeat them around others.

Here's the song Andy made up for the pig:

Slaughterhouse pig
hanging by his feet.
Slaughterhouse pig;
he'd like to meet you
but he can't 'cause he's dead.

They hit him on the head
and strung him up.
Then they slit open his stomach,
and they pulled out his guts.

He's the slaughterhouse pig!

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