Saturday, May 10, 2008

Husband and Wife

My little sister, Lydia, got married today. It was a beautiful, small wedding at her mother's house... a garden wedding in the back yard with perfect weather and lots of family.

Given the informality of aspects of the wedding, no one said a toast for the bride and groom. I almost offered to do one, but felt a little uncomfortable and a bit shy.

If I had done one, I would have talked about how amazing it was to see Lydia on her wedding day - a radiant bride soon to be a new mother - and to think back on the small little girl I potty trained with Hershey's kisses. She's become a stunning, grounded, insightful, intelligent, and passionate young woman who has found a gentle, loving, kind, funny, dedicated, and generous young man with whom to share her life.

I am so happy for both of them and so grateful to have been able to experience their union on this day.

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