Sunday, August 24, 2008

Something Rotten....

I am finding it slightly unnerving being inundated with election coverage all atwitter about the approaching conventions, while simultaneously hearing news of suicide bombings and violence in Iraq and Afghanistan every day.

Sometimes the discussions seem disjointed - as if the priority or emphasis of focus has been misplaced. CNN pundits blather on with sound checks in the background while the only discussion of 24 dead and over 29 wounded occurs in a brief snippet on NPR before heading into Irish music for the nighttime playlist.

Perhaps I'm just grumpy. Or maybe I'm not making use of the best news sources. Or maybe things really are out of sync... distorted by distance and demoted in importance because it's easier than feeling truly afraid.


Bill Baar said...

Check Hayder al-Khoei on the recent festival at Najaf,

When we reached the outskirts of the city the vast numbers became more apparant and we would spend a good quarter of an hour before we could move a few feet. In Kerbala itself it was a sight I have never seen before, at least 1 million people (Al-Furat put the numbers at 4 million but I think a more accurate estimate would be 1.5 to 2 million) making their way towards the shrines of Imam al-Hussain and his brother Abbas.

Large crowds would clap and dance to the chant ('cha ween al-irhab halyowm') "So where is terrorism today?" .....

Iraqi's are a brave people. I found it hearting to be with them.

Genevra said...

Hey Bill... sometimes I don't know I'm without hope until someone provides some; when my hope is awakened... I realize its prior absence and how it affected me. Thank you for giving me (and hopefully some others) cause for hope.

I think it would happen much more often if more of the everyday people who are caught in the middle of such large events could communicate with one another and share their day to day joys and sorrows. Thank you again.