Monday, October 20, 2008


For some reason, I got a killer migraine today... so this may need to be a bit short, as I am still recovering. Luckily, about an hour on the bed with a hot compress seemed to eradicate most of it, so that was a plus.

And... of course, they've never been officially diagnosed as migraines, but I just make the assumption that a headache that induces nausea and feels like my head will implode to the point I can no longer move or think straight merits the categorization of "migraine."

I intend to hold off the official diagnosis as long as possible, however, as I don't want to carry it around quite yet as a pre-existing condition. Sigh. Healthcare. Let's hope it gets better during the next administration.

It was an odd day - even before the headache. I've been thinking these last couple of days about recognition, visibility, accomplishment, respect, achievement, success... and everything in between. Of course, we all have different ideas about those words and what they mean to us.

In my case, I've noticed lately that feeling invisible strikes against some very core emotional chords and challenges my sense of self-esteem and identity. I tend to feel anger, frustration, sorrow, and fear in those moments... and it speaks to an area which merits more focus and work.

I stumbled across a great quote today while researching small group counseling activities. It's attributed to Buddha:

"You yourself. as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."


plaidshoes said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!

Claff said...

aw, sweetie.

my eyes have recently gone kerflooey on me - nowhere NEAR as dire as yours - but I'm getting headaches every day now. Eye doc appointment tomorrow... I think my left eye just took a massive plunge. Ah, gettin' old. :)

But I sympathize... and agree with that Buddha quote 100 percent!

love you!

Genevra said...

Thank you for the well wishes!

And Rachel... so sorry to hear about your eyes! I hope you get news that is not too worrisome and they can help out with those headaches with a shift in prescription. My thoughts are with you. xo!!