Monday, October 27, 2008

Potty Pah-tay!

Ari is accident-free in only three days, and I am enormously, joyously, wondrously proud of her.

You can now pee and poo
in the house or at the zoo
and you're still the age of two
so I sing this song for you
'cause you're super duper cool
and my heart does flips for you.
You're my big, sweet girl - yahoo!


Coley said...

The three year old I baby sit has forgotten how to pee on the potty and is afraid to poop on it. Seriously. She tells you she has to poop, you tell her to go use the potty and she tells you she's scared. I am definitely jealous.

Genevra said...

Well, Ari had two accidents today... so I think it is a back and forth kind of journey. I hope it gets better, as I'm sure it's a stressful process you're going through each day!