Sunday, November 23, 2008


The cold weather always brings such dry skin for me. It is such a small thing, but when my hands start to split and bleed, and my lips feel like they are burning... it does get awfully uncomfortable.

Our winters have been much milder since moving downstate. I still have a severe shock to the system whenever the cold weather truly sets in and winter's icy little fingers start to latch onto my insides every time I go outside... but overall, the lack of copious piles of snow and months on end with below freezing temps and a windchill that will squeeze your head like a vice has been really lovely.

But then fate stepped in and sort of changed everything. Andy got a great job offer back up in Evanston that he simply cannot walk away from. It's an incredible accomplishment and a great opportunity... and so we are now having to seriously contemplate moving back up and settling in the city we left 3 years ago.

I am a great believer in all things happening for a reason; and also have great faith in the idea that there is purpose to all we encounter in life - be it good or bad, easy or difficult, asked-for or shoved upon us.

The conundrum surrounding a move up north is not solely connected to the weather... but that seems to be the most tangible item upon which I can attach my misgivings and worry. Which is probably silly, but is very human.

Of course, there are tons of good things too. And I am not blind to them. I think I just feel overwhelmed at the many practicalities and logistics involved, as well as somewhat panicked by the looming amount of unknown contained in the decision. (I have become much more aware of my dislike of the unknown lately.)

So as the cold weather settles in to squat upon our lives, I cannot help but think about the even greater impact the season will have in a more northerly direction. Ah well. It is, after all, a small little thing to attach myself to... a silly, human, itchy, cracky thing.


plaidshoes said...

Wow, you do have some tough decisions! Good luck and congrats to your husband. I like Evanston and cold weather - but my husband would be miserable. I know what you mean about the unknown. I find the older I get, the more I dislike it.

Claff said...

Um... can I just selfishly say YAYYYYYYY! :)