Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Joy of Roasting

Thanks to my friend, Melinda, Andy and I have been eating more roasted vegetables. We had always toyed with them... but never really committed to the idea of eating so many different kinds of veggies with just a bit of olive oil and salt.

I think what is so nice about it is how simple it tastes. Simple but really powerful - as if you don't really get much more than the actual veggie flavor from whatever you are using, along with a hint of saltiness and the slightly nutty flavor of the olive oil. So delicious.

It has helped me realize there are a lot of vegetables I actually really enjoy the taste of... ones I might have previously struck from my list or decided to ignore. I have rediscovered broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, zucchini, and all manner of squash.


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