Tuesday, November 18, 2008


You were washing dishes...
your back turned, yet
your body still a part of
our random scattering
in the midst of a chaotic kitchen.

She was playing drums and
putting plastic silverware
in no-no places (mommy's glassware)
Caught but smiling and continuing
to move with quick conspicuousness.

We were all dancing to
reggae music pulsing
through our house like
joyous rainbow confetti
falling down in happy swirls.

And I thought:
this is it. This is what
we worked so hard to
achieve. We are here.
In this moment, we are here.

We are happy, and
healthy, and dancing,
and together, and
loving, and silly, and
alert, and wonderful.

That moment of happy—
an explosion in my chest...
wrapped around my finger
like a little humming string,
reminding me to smile and breathe.

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