Monday, November 24, 2008

Selection, Naturally

I heard a quick snippet on CNN today about a family in Colorado who opened their farm to the public, offering a free pick-your-own day this past weekend. Actually, I think they originally planned just one day, but they had such an overwhelming response, they had to cancel day 2.

On the first day alone, 40,000 people showed up to get free food. The owner of Miller Farms said it indicated how bad the economy is and just how many people are in dire need of food and help right now.

It's not often you hear a story in the news cycle now with a positive ending or happy focus. Ironically, this one floated past my ears just as I was sitting here feeling down. So it was nice to get a gentle little reminder that my life is very blessed, that there are incredible people in this world, that we as humans are capable of community and support, and that there is always something - in fact, many things - to be thankful for depending on the perspective you choose.

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