Thursday, April 17, 2008


Ok... I have to admit something about a previous post... some of you would already know this because you read it when it was originally written in 2002, but the post from April 9 (To Carry Me Aloft) is something I wrote long ago after attending a summer workshop taught by the members of Goat Island through The Art Institute of Chicago.

The summer intensive focused on creative reuse, a term I have utilized and applied to my own writing/performance workshops. It's a rather brilliant concept - and one which ultimately benefits artists, actors, writers, creators, etc. It's all about taking everything around you in and making it into something new. Processing the input you get from other sources and responding to it with your own voice, thoughts, reflections, etc.

I think it applies to counseling as well, in that we often reflect content or meaning, paraphrase, summarize, focus, etc. - and to me... it's often about taking in the information and responding to the client in way that provides feedback, clarity, and focus all at the same time. You are not grabbing something totally new and feeding it into the conversation... rather, you're taking something already there and offering it back in a new way so the client can see it in a new light.

Anyway... I digress. The point of the confession is merely to let you know I was very busy that week and took the easy road out by using something old instead of writing something new; but, at the same time, it was a story that still has no home. Something I have written and love very much. Something that (to my mind) wants a larger life but is not sure where to find it.

I don't know if that's a joy or a sorrow, but it seemed important to share nonetheless.

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