Monday, July 7, 2008


In this new phase of seeking to live more intentionally and fully, Andy and I have decided to increase our exercise and to start trying to find ways we can incorporate exercise and physical activity as a family.

Step 1: Buy a seat for the back of Andy's bike.
Step 2: Make sure everyone has a helmet.
Step 3: Get going!

Tonight we rode around our neighborhood and over by the Fellowship, and tomorrow we plan to institute a new morning routine wherein neither of us sleeps in, but we exercise together instead. This will be in addition to the Windsor Pilates exercises my friend Melinda showed me and that I've been trying to do each morning (despite excited interference from Ariana and Simon!).

There is nothing quite so wonderful as feeling the ache of muscles long dormant... that painful, bright, sharp sense of pushing your body to grow stronger. With it's trickling but steady return to my life, I feel more hopeful, stronger, and more alive - and a great sense of gratitude that such activity is possible.

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