Friday, July 11, 2008

The Missed Day (and the wonders of post-dating)

I forgot to post yesterday, or rather I remembered at about 11 o'clock at night that I had forgotten to post and was too tired to get up and go downstairs to write since I had gotten up at 5 o'clock in the morning and was feeling rather exhausted.

Thus, I am attempting to post-date my post in order to create a virtual placemarker for the missed day in order to talk about the sorrow I feel at becoming so busy and taken up with life that I forgot to post, even though I knew exactly what I wanted to write about.

I sometimes wonder if the extreme amount of stress we feel right now will lessen when I am no longer in grad school and/or when Ari is no longer a toddler. It's hard to say, and there are certainly other factors at work... but sometimes I worry that this is it - and Andy and I had better figure it out quick so that we don't continue to live miserable, busy, stuffed-too-full lives that feel overwhelming and exhausting and painful at times.

Which is not to say there is no joy. Of course, there always is. We have wonderful days and amazing beauties and great joys. But I really hope things slow down some time. Or, if they are not going to and that is an unrealistic expectation, that I better learn how to live more simply and directly - that I become able to feel even more joy and breathe a little easier.

Oh. And not forget things!

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