Monday, July 21, 2008

Food Finds

For me, planning our weekly menus and figuring out what to feed the three of us three times a day ad infinitum can often feel like a Sisyphean task. We tend to throw away our veggies and fruits in great quantities - untouched and unused - and the sometimes picky-ness of all three of us can make healthy eating a true challenge.

So... I was searching online today to see if I could get any good food ideas, and I came upon several new blogs that are truly fantastic and wonderfully happy-making in a "what's mommy cooking tonight" kind of way.*

I have always been a big fan of 101 Cookbooks, which focuses on vegetarian and vegan fare utilizing fresh, local, whole ingredients. Lots of in-season spotlights and great ideas for taking what can often feel like bland and unsatisfying fare to glorious, tasty new heights. Sunday's recipe was Edamame Soup, perfect for our little legume fanatic.

Today I also found The Great Big Vegetable Challenge (originally a blog and now a book sold out of the UK), created by a mother who decided to commit to a year-long task of cooking at least two recipes with vegetables she and her 7 year-old son could identify from A to Z. Brilliant! And the recipes look fantastic. Quite an inspiring and serendipitous find.

Another great discovery: Little Foodies, created by a family dedicated to preparing and eating cuisine from all around the world. Their "kitchen travels" include 11 different countries (and also SPACE, as in "outer"), and the pics and recipes are great (though you will have to convert from metric).

This week, I am trying my hand at making pizza dough from scratch with whole wheat flour, as well as attempting a zucchini and potato pancake that will hopefully make a nice foundation for some chicken. We shall see. I simply like having an excuse to continue incorporating as many fresh, whole ingredients as possible and to hear about and be inspired by folks all over the world!

*It is at this point that I should clarify that my husband, Andy, does indeed cook. Quite often - especially during the school year. However, he is in the middle of several big deadlines and therefore has been somewhat less involved in some of the housely duties he normally undertakes on a regular basis. Hence, my food/menu dilemma.


plaidshoes said...

Thanks for the blog suggestions! I will have to check them out. I agree with you, sometimes figuring out what to make three times a day is overwhelming!

Genevra said...

Another great site worth looking up: What's for Dinner

Chloe Johnston said...

Sounds like you have a pizza dough recipe, but for what it's worth, here's one I like:

Hope to see you guys soon!

Claff said...

I'm starting the no-sugar thing tomorrow... we must still be psychically connected. :)

I really love Isa Moskowitz' vegan cookbook Vegan with a Vengeance, which has lots of veggie dishes... and actually, the Whole Foods website has a TON of salad/greens options for summer. I'm trying an edamame/wasabi/wild rice/tuna one this weekend... mmmmm.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes! I'm proud of you!!!