Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Four little birds (by our doorstep)...

We have a little family of robins living on our front porch. They were incredibly persistent about building the nest and won out when we went to Chicago for a weekend. We returned home from our trip to find them settled in and well established, so we decided to just cross our fingers and hope for a pleasant and symbiotic relationship.

Two wee babies appeared a few days ago, and we've been lucky enough to see two teeny tiny faces atop thin, long necks craning out above the rim with eager, wide open beaks in search of food. Typically, mama is either off in search of goodies or has flown away in fear of us. So we try to make our business quick and peek out from the living room window in order to watch the new babies eat.

I am grateful they chose to nest at our home. I am even more grateful they've chosen to live peacefully with us, rather than dive-bombing us our Ari in an attempt to keep their newborns safe. Perhaps they understand how much we respect them, and they see we have our own young to protect as they struggle to watch over their own.


plaidshoes said...

We had a bird build a nest in our hanging plant. I went to water it (above my head) and got a shock when this bird flew out in a panic. Needless to say the plant went unwatered, but we got to witness all the little birdies hatch and eventually fly away.

Genevra said...

The same thing happened to us last year - we found a small nest with three little eggs in our hanging fern! The family moved on, but we still have the nest. A nice little reminder!