Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Within this new health kick we've been following for about one week now, Andy and I have been biking everyday, I've been doing 20 minutes of Pilates each day (thank you, Melinda!), and we've been trying to eat more healthy foods... eliminating sugars, avoiding chemicals and things that don't sound familiar (or pronouncable), and trying not to overcook and lose our nutrients.

It's been a tricky road at times... old food habits can be very difficult to break, but we're making small changes steadily, taking our little baby steps in the midst of an attempt to transform some of our most ingrained routines.

Things that have helped: Michael Pollan (I know I've mentioned him before... but his books have really influenced the way Andy thinks and feels about food - it's a great way to begin to shift your philosophy about eating and sustenance); Heidi Swanson's 101 Cookbooks blog (FANTASTIC, healthy, easy, and gorgeous recipes that have led to many new and exciting meals); and our local Co-Op, farmers' market, and orchards (great food, good prices, and the extra benefit of knowing you are supporting your local growers/economy).

One really cool thing I've noticed: not eating sugar really has led to fewer cravings. I've been eliminating desserts, sweets, and other manner of sugary treats, which is supposed to mean that those intense, insane, mind-stirringly crazy sugar cravings I get are supposed to decline over time, thereby making denial of such unhealthy eats more possible.

And it's working! I was highly skeptical, having listened to the excited declarations of friends in the past who had similarly restricted their intake, but it really does seem to be working for me. Which is lovely. Of course, we'll see if this holds true as we approach a different phase of my cycle - but hey! Why not be optimistic, right?


plaidshoes said...

I have been really trying to cut out sugar, too. I am curious, though, do you allow sugars such as maple syrup, honey, agave nectar? I have been finding that my energy is at a much more constant level then before.

Genevra said...

Mmmmm... such a good question. And I've been meaning to do research on honey especially, because I don't really enjoy the agave. I also want to look into raw sugar vs. refined and see what the difference is there.

I have been allowing them in small amounts, but my goal is to sweeten things less... and to stay away from the granulated white stuff entirely.

So cool to hear you are doing the non-sugar thing too!