Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mantras for July

I am beautiful.
I am kind.
I am strong.
I am a good person.
I am a good mother.
I am going to figure it out.
I am going to be okay.
I am incredibly lucky.
I am incredibly blessed.
I am able to do more.
I am able to say no.
I am a positive force in the lives of others.
I am going to make a difference.
I am free.
I am open.
I am happy.
I am alive.
I am breathing.
I am here.

1 comment:

Yours in peace - C said...

And after each affirmation you could add, "and I'm grateful" to the universe, your higher self, or whomever you think the message goes out to. Whatever we are grateful for is added to (focus, intension, where you put your energy, etc). Gratitude gets you MORE of what you are grateful for.