Friday, July 18, 2008

Shifting Gears

We were on the highway today experiencing heavy traffic heading into St. Louis, and eventually we came to realize it was due to an accident in the east-bound lane.

It's so easy to feel frustrated on the road... to be taken over by impatience, or anger, or frustration. Forgetting about the destination and - more importantly - the journey.

Having lived in a city for a long time, I know what it's like to finally discover the mind-numbingly slow traffic was all due to gawking or slowing down because an accident has occurred on the other side of the road.

A shaking of the head and rolling of the eyes and heavy sighing as the pace picks up and people again begin to zoom around on all sides.

But what happens to the persons or people involved in the crash? What effect might a quick prayer or thought for them and their families have? How does it change the subsequent minutes/hours/days if I can feel grateful for my own safety and empathy for those who slowed out of concern or fear or curiosity or sadness? That shift might make all the difference.

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