Thursday, December 11, 2008

For You

It seems like a lot of people are struggling this week... fighting to stay positive and encouraged despite setbacks they did not foresee. Maybe it's the weather, or some collective karmic sadness, or just bad luck and sad news. So... if that seems to apply to you today, then this one's for you too:

What you are doing
takes bravery.
Following your dreams
requires courage,
strength, and
determination of
intense proportions.

The fact that you
keep fighting,
keep pushing,
keep believing,
keep doing
creates ripples
around you.

I know you might
not feel loved
in this moment.
Maybe you feel
invisible, maybe
you feel attacked,
or maybe you just
feel forsaken... left
alone and looking
for guidance.

But you are
beautiful in your
purpose; you are
true in your striving,
and you are not alone
in this moment.

Try to remember this.
And don't give up.


Michelle Hope said...

You made me cry. Thanks for the encouragementc. :)

Genevra said...

You are very welcome. I'm glad it came at a time that helped. ;)

Michelle Hope said...

It definitely did. Doing better today. Have a solo performance on Monday and I'm very excited!